Food Saftey Modernization Act

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  • #63263
    near horse

    Crack a couple of salmonella eggs in, some leftover growth hormone and a jigger of campaign contributions and voila! We’ve got ourselves a safe food supply!


    Just make sure you cook those salmonella eggs completely, there is a lacking of customers taking responsibility for their own purchases that is contributing to this mess too.

    When in doubt cook it thoroughly, just wish we could cook the govt the same way.


    @near horse 22967 wrote:

    Sorry OldKat but the food “uhhm” safety bill isn’t a party line thing – it’s a who’s your daddy thing – here in ID it’s fully supported by both our senators and reps. (and our state animal is the GOP elephant). So show me the money!

    As far as I can tell this smells as bad as the original HACCP proposal 10+ yrs ago (and approved). The original bill was going to allow/require outside inspections and accountability got revamped into a “self-monitoring and reporting program”. So how come we’re still getting tainted eggs, meat recalls etc?

    No, I didn’t mean to imply it was along party lines. It couldn’t have been. Not with the vote in the Senate being what it was. The analyst that I heard on the radio along about Tueday or Wednesday called it a “virtual takeover of agriculture by the government”. He also said, but I didn’t check to see if it was correct or not, that the vote in the House for the (R)’s was a little over 100 against, none for and eight abstaining. Which obviously means some others were not present or voted “present” or he was wrong about none of them voting for it. It also means that at least some of the House (D)’s had to vote against it, too. Roughly 100 or so.

    Point I was trying to make was that “someone” (I have no idea who) included it in the Omnibus Spending Bill so that they could do an end run around the whole legal process. That is the sort thing that turns me off to the inside the beltway Washington elites. We have a good political system, but they are letting special interests (primarily their own) ruin it. I personally think they should be held accountable, more so than just the danger of being voted out of office.

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