Friendly sites

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  • #43191


    ok, my suggestion would be to have a “Friendly sites” list. this would serve so if i find a good site while surfing, i have somewhere to post A LINK it so others with similar interests will also profit.

    requirements to post a site there to contain something of:

    draft animal information
    traditional agriculture
    sustainable agriculture
    sustainable forestry
    renewable energy
    homesteading-related issues
    raising animals
    philosophical issues concerning country life
    economic issues of the sustainability

    basically the idea would be to have a single place to find good sites that could be of interest of an average member. these could be banners, blogs, common webpages,DIY sites, …

    OR, if there’s be a topic on every existing sub-forum where members would put links to sites relating to the subject they think could be interesting to othet members.

    now, stuff i’d advise NOT to be put there are sites primarily concerned with politics, ideology, religion, and such stuff…. (think there is a subforum for this already)

    juts an idea,
    Thank you!

    jen judkins

    Thanks Bivol. I’ll look into doing something like that. I could create a post labeled ‘links’ that could stick to the top of some of the sub forums that seem appropriate.


    yes, like that!

    there are loads of great blogs concerning all matter of agriculture, sustainability and draft animals online, and we virtually stumble on them by accident. this could be a major improvement – we really need to be well connected!

    jen judkins

    OK, Bivol, i finally found time to add those link spaces….let me know what you (or anyone else) think…Happy Thanksgiving all.

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