DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Draft Animal Power Mules Friesian MULE? WHAT SO YOU THINK OF THIS IDEA?

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    @manesntails 6050 wrote:

    I Kn00000000-ow! This is why I thought it would be cheaper to AI a jenny who was a proven Hinney producer. One who got pregnant already by a stallion.
    That too would peobably be hard to find but I doubt, as expensive as buying your own Friesian mare. The cheapest I’ve seen for one is 5,ooo and it didn’t have excellent confo but was not misshapen in any way nor did it have any outstandingly bad flaw, just not really balance.

    I’d have to call it Frieule:D

    well, you’d get a hinny. a hinny is diffirent than a mule, some say they lack hybrid vigour, some that hinnies are irreperably sluggish, and some thet they are calmer than mules. it would be cheaper, but you need to see weather maybe the nature of the friesian would be more compromised in a hinny than in a mule.

    Robert MoonShadow

    I rechecked with the American Donkey & Mule Association {the leading registry for all American donkeys – including minis & burros – and many mules/hinnies/zebra hybrids} and they still maintain (breeders associated w/ ADMS) that in almost all cases, the only way you can be relatively certain whether it’s a hinny or a mule (if actual parentage is unknown) is by observing which it is most at ease with – if donkeys, then it’s a hinny & vice-versa… said familiarity comes about by whichever it’s mother was. Hinnies are more difficult to breed for, whether live cover or AI, since the conception rate is lower if the dam has fewer chromosomes than the sire. As usual when discussing animals, just about the time such an observation is made, the critters will do something totally at odds. 😮


    I have owned a 16hh Frisian gelded mule. I think your living in a pipe dream if you think you can just breed a get a black mule! We have two Frisian stallions on my village here in Spain and I don’t think it matters what the Frisian registry do or do not think! We breed for what we want! I have a photo somewhere of 2 black Frisians in line astern with a Pura Andaluz, at a local feria last year. I was driving my mule so the pics not to brilliant, but I will see if I can pull it out and post it.
    I’m not really sure how to take the comment about a hinny? Sounds kinda dumb, as I have worked them, with a plough, and saddle and just don’t find they have much ‘forward going!’. Sure some one somewhere will have had one or touched one, but when you have to rely on one for a days work on a 40 degree hillside in 90f for 8 hours.Forget it! I have trained 24 or 25 mules for my own use in the last 10 years, and worked with and sold a lot more. Mules are just the best 4X4 and not toys! before you croxx a Frisian know what you want FIRST! You may find you don’t need a mule at all! Good luck!


    Sorry I have to come back to this! It is relatively easy to tell if a animal is a Hinny or a mule. First, the experienced eye can pick out several tell tale physical clues in the Hinny! The most positive way is the one the Gypsy’s use. The mule and the Hinny are always drawn to their respective mother type. So a mule will always choose to go to a mare, and a Hinny will always go to a Jenny! I hope this is helpful! Albert.



    I need more info about coming out for a week of training in Spain sometime! My wife and I would love to save up and come out!

    Please email or private message me more info…


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