Fun at the Fair

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    I just got home from my home town fair after working there for nine days. I have been involved with the poultry barn for 25 years now and I have been helping to run it it for the past 7. I decided this year that I had enough good help that I could have some fun, so I brought my yearling team of working beef cattle. It was such a good experience for us all.

    The cattle got over childphobia quickly and did so well that I let 2 of my young 4-H kids show them in Beef Showmanship. Fireworks, balloons, strollers, horses, sheep, clowns, baboons, nothing phased them by the third day. We were the first local cattle team to participate in the draft barn in perhaps 15 years. There was another teamster there demonstrating with his 2 teams and we were invited to be a part of his demos. Our draft fun show was canceled due to rain, but we had fun doing new things all week long. Ground driving with lines, first time on a 4 wheel wagon, standing in a crowd.

    I had been looking forward to this years fair as a training opportunity for my cattle, and we walked away with much more than I had hoped. I don’t feel the need to do it every year, but I am very glad that it turned out to be such a positive experience for all. While talking to other cattle teamsters I learned of a 3 month old pair for sale, if they end up coming home with me they will go to the fair at least once. The fair provides training situations that I just can’t copy at home.



    Neat experience.


    A couple of photos. We demonstrated how I can hitch Dick and Jane myself and harrow with them. Then they stood quietly on their own while I helped Dick Smith hitch his Longhorns to the stone boat.


    A couple of photos. We demonstrated how I can hitch Dick and Jane myself and harrow with them. Then they stood quietly on their own while I helped Dick Smith hitch his Longhorns to the stone boat.


    They look really nice and coordinated. Nice yoke too!


    Thanks for the opportunity to buy such a fine yoke, I need to cut the bows down a little to make them safer. You know how things are though, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and so far I have managed to keep those bows out of my face.

    They do go nice together, she has a little height on him, and I am not sure when he is due to calf:), but they are within 10 pounds of each other, ~570# each. I try hard to start them off even so that they go together, it seems to make the work easier than fighting each other by being off stride.


    mother katherine

    Good going, Dominiquer.
    I had hoped to get my guys up to the Washington county fair but time, energy,finances got in the way.
    We went out and played last night night to make up for it and the guys did good. Doesn’t quite make up for schmoozing with the other teamsters, but we have a good time by ourselves.


    Do you have any photo’s of Richard Smith’s longhorns in yoke?
    He was at the Sussex, NJ fair, but did not have them yoked while I was there.
    Did they have an ox pull at your fair?
    I thinks he will be at the Dutchess County fair this week. I may get to see him on Thurs. when I plan to go.
    You “guys” look great. Keep up the good work. Will you be in Tunbridge, Oct?



    Dick organized an Ox Pull that ended up just being an exhibition because our pulling ring was resurfaced too close to fair time and it was hard pulling in fresh sand. Thanks for the compliments, I will be at Tunbridge by myself, see you there.



    I think my friend Jeff was at Altamount with a pair of grey mares probably with spotted colts at their side. We have a young gelding out of Dora the heavier mare that is going to be heavy like her just like they should be!


    Most of the folks that stay all week have spotted horses or Percherons, and I am terrible at remembering names. I do remember the Decker family receiving a lot of praise in a couple conversations. Watch the NY Percheron Assoc. site for an outspoken man named Tom, he was caught being given a ride on a wagonette driven by a team of black cattle.


    Erika, His name is Jeff and he was probably wearing a leather cowboy hat. I think I may know Tom also but no photos yet on NYPA site as of yet.

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