Gun Fire & Game

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    During the week we continued working on desensitizing my son’s Lippitt Morgan mare Fallen Willow Qetesh to gunfire and carrying game. My son wanted to go hunting with her. We first started in the big pasture and would fire off a few rounds before graining. Then we just worked closer as they got more comfortable. We would bring any game up wind of them until they were used to the smells. Attached a few pictures – one is of the 2nd shot fired off her back and some bring back the bounty. Please note some time went into the process long before we got to the point these pictures were taken. Interested in hearing any other methods used for desensitizing for gun fire and game.

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    beautiful horse. I was in an indoor arena yesterday and gun shots were fired outside. I jumped, my horse did not miss a beat. Our neighbor shoots a lot near the horse paddock. I love it that he is ok with it and I did not do a thing to make that happen.


    We do a lot of shooting on the farm as we have a clay pigeon shot and Driven Pheasant Shot so our horses (mostly warm bloods, eventers & young stock) get very use too shots and they often use it as a reason to mess around just for fun, we worry more about them getting in the way as they have a habit of it but they general get in the way or go off to the far end of the field, it just like any thing we do with them we reassure them if they not sure general and hope get use to it. we try to have any horse leave our yard bomb prof, Though we don’t do this when we shoting in the field as we have people paying to shot so we chase them back off too the far end of the field, if they are getting in the way. but they do get use to it and soon learn that they have to get out of your way and leave you if you fire a shot as you not going to talk to them, but if you on them they don’t care,
    I would love to try and shot from horse back some day.

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