Hernia repair on my mule.

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  • #40481
    Tom S

    I am not sure this is going to work but I am trying to use a link I have used on other sites which displays my pictures. If it don’t work, I’ll try something else.

    Thought I would share some pictures with you all if you all have not see belly button surgery. The surgery was on my 2 yr old mule. I had it done 4/22. She has had a two finger hernia since birth and I wanted to fix her before she had problems. The vet said if they have this type of hernia, it can irritate around the rupture, cause colic and possible kill the gut tissue. If it does, it could be fatal.

    The vet, Dusty Prentice did the surgury here in Southern AZ. She arrived at my house at 1200 and was leaving the driveway at 2:00. We thought the price was very reasonable. It was $450.00 total. $50.00 for the call and $400.00 for the surgery.

    Here we are getting my mule (Autumn) prepared. She is already drugged and “out”. We turned her on her back in the grass and put hay bales on both sides to prop her up.

    She was very good taking her shots and the cathetor. Not a bit of interest in what the vet was doing. Didn’t flinch with the needles.

    This is the “gut sack” (hernia) after Dusty has cleaned up the opening.

    Here is the first inner layer stitching to start the closure. She did two layers in the belly, one on the inner side of the belly, and one on the outer side of the belly, then laced the skin shut at closure.

    Here is at the completion with the final product.

    Here she is 30 min. after surgery.


    Due to the possibility of ripping the stitches out, I have to pen her up in a stall for the next 2-4 weeks. The Vet will come to look at her in 2 weeks to see if I can let her out. She has always had a large area to roam, so this will be differant for her. She has been in the stall for 2 days now and is doing great. A little swelling but no excessive heat.

    near horse

    Hey Tom,

    I tried to take a look the pics but the site said they were gone or moved. Could be something “blocking” them on my computer but I don’t think so.

    Regarding the surgery, I imagine that the main concerns now are keeping Autumn from busting out the stitches before the area heals in and keeping her gut moving and active to limit the chance of any twisting. What did your vet have to say about post op concerns?

    Isn’t it pretty amazing under what “field conditions” one can perform surgery? Probably not too many human surgeons using hay bales to stabilize someone getting a “tummy tuck”.:D

    Tom S

    Thanks Nearhorse for the information on the pictures. I had used and image rather than a direct link. Try it now.

    The vet’s onlly concern was heat (infection), and tearing the stitches. She did a great job of field surgery. She worked on one of my horses face after it collided with a metal pipe. Bone all splintered in the nasel cavity. Never had a post op problem.

    She believes Autumn will be ready to use again in about 3 weeks. She made a follow up call last night to see if Autumn was having any problems. Real personal service.

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