History of Modern Ag

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  • #40217
    near horse


    I wasn’t sure where to post this so it is here!

    For a great read into some of the history of modern agriculture try a newwer book called “The Alchemy of Air”. It chronicles the movement to generate the chemical N fertilizer that is prevalent today. The book covers some of the history of ag and concerns about global starvation from almost 100 years ago. Unbeknownst to me (and probably many folks) people were mining fertilizer (both bird guano and other nitrates) in S. America and hauling it back to Europe.

    I know it is getting late for winter reading but it’s definitley worth looking into to broaden one’s understanding of how we got here. Oh, and nitrates are also explosive.

    Check it out.


    Sounds like a good read. I might have to pick it up.

    Not to steal the thread but I also have a suggestion for a good read.

    Its a book by Michael Pollan “In Defense of Food” I enjoyed it even though it was mostly about American eating. It discusses the “western diet” and its effects on heath. Along with that book goes Michael Pollan’s “Omnivores Dilemma” which I am currently reading.

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