hoof bulb issue

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  • #84855
    Mark Cowdrey

    Here’s a weird one.
    This horse has a crack between the hoof and the bulb. Outside side, left rear. It has bled some. Did not notice it yesterday AM, then saw blood staining when I brought them in PM yesterday. V. little bleeding. Did 2 rides today, worked moderately for a couple hours w/o any noticeable discomfort, lack of ambition or bleeding. Does not feel hot although those icles are not present on the other side or the other hoof.
    In the photos I have the hoof on my left knee and am looking down at the floor.
    My first thought is that it is similar to a lip or hand that splits from chapping. It certainly has been dry & cold here.
    Any thoughts?

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    Does’ Leap

    That looks like he blew an abscess, we’ve had them come out the heel just like that. Great he wasn’t lame before hand but he must feel better now!


    Mark Cowdrey

    Fascinating. That never occurred to me, although it fits with the wound following natural contours rather than being straight. I never saw any puss-y discharge, although he was turned out in the snow the day it appeared, never any noticeable lameness or inflammation.
    Thanks Kristan,


    If you have a soaking boot, I’d soak it in a strong hot epsom salts solution to help keep it draining. You want it to heal from the inside out, rather than scab over on the outside before the inside has healed.

    Donn Hewes

    Hi Mark, It looks like the horse will heal well. I think the icicles are the puss! I have frequently put a horse’s hoof in a plastic bucket to soak it. with the unbreakable buckets I think I could still do it even with the shoe. A few days of warm epsom salts can’t hurt. You took great pictures, sometimes it is hard to get a hoof picture to show what you want. D

    Mike Rock


    After reading your post I went Googling around and found this. Cool stuff.

    Just had a Haflinger go through an abscess that came out the coronet.


    Have used truck inner tube and duct tape with great results for treating foot problems like this for years. Where ever I went to work, I could always find one if I did not have one with.

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