hot spots

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    Oh, sorry. Your first post said, “my old mare has always been prone to scratchin her neck and rump.” so I misunderstood.

    When did the scratching of neck and rump first start?


    Re itchiness in Morgans and xes- yup, well documented, big thing is tail head itching in spring-summer, but head itchiness/rubbing is another one – will rub on you when haltering or putting the bridle on, etc. because they are so itchy. One thing I have tried is just keeping that itchy part of the horse clean – as in wash the itch body part daily – esp if the horse works and gets sweaty/dirty. Clean warmish water and a sponge or soft cloth sometimes with a mix of 40-50 percent hydrogen peroxide in water for tail or neck. Not on head, near eyes of course. I use clean, warm water soaked towels and scrubbing only on head. But they love it. On the tail I clean the same, then apply and have tried every powder, benadryl and jock itch cream etc imaginable! Nothing works but winter! But if the dock is slippery when lathered with cream, at least they break less tail hair and do less damage to themselves. I also clean udders first on mares, as that is one possible reason they rub their behinds =in the literature anyhow. I would start with cleaning her neck well and washing mane and look into allergies and then take Jen’s advice.


    hello all, glad to report that my mare is back to her old self. her neck is as smooth as a babies butt, and her coat is quyite lusterous for her age. we twitched a little wood the other day and she moved well. thanks to all for advice, tips and worry. it was probably a double dose of ivermectine that did it, but i like to think that it was the human side. i resurected an old habit i had once of giving them a hot supper one night a week. usually weekend because they would be hoveled on a woodlot somewhere during the week. hot water with mollasses and a touch of apple (not white) cider vinegar poured on bran to swell it good and then mix in their grain. man, do they love it. don’t know if it ever did them any good. i use the cider vinegar to clean out their water buckets in summer when they get rank, and throw in a splash sometimes with their water and they seem to like that too. any old recipes out their to share?


    any old recipes out their to share?


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