How to Post a Bug

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  • #87240
    Devin Balkind

    The better your bug report, the faster we’ll be able to squash the bug.

    Here are some tips:
    1. Try again. If you can’t reproduce the bug, don’t log it.
    2. Use the title to summarize the problem in a unique way.
    Good: Uploading a 2mb picture crashes the file maner.
    Bad: Website crashes
    3. In the body, write the prcise steps to reproduce this bug. First, let us know if you can reproduce it. Then explain the steps (1,2,3,etc) for how to reproduce it. Finally, explain what you wanted to happen (ex. the file to upload) and what the actual result was (ex. I got a message saying “upload error”). Good bug reports state the obvious.
    4. Make sure to copy/paste any error text that appears.
    5. Include information about the operating system and internet browser you’re using in your report. (Ex. Windows 7 and Firefox)

    Thanks so very very much for reporting bugs. Your efforts here make the website and community better for everyone.

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