Ideal Number for Working Group

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  • #53318
    Rick Alger

    Thanks Carl,

    I agree the first step is to nail down the objective.

    If a newsletter is needed at the outset, perhaps it could be formated in this forum, and each of us could be responsible to print out and mail copies to a few interested non-connected folks.


    Everybody has some great Ideas and I agree that we should not be short sited on this endevor but I would like to put some personal persective into this! As I have mentioned in past post in differant areas of this site I often felt I was a lone eagle out here ! It has been hard to find any one around this area that uses horses to log with, and most of them are Amish, but yet I have had plenty of people ask how they can get involed with our craft. They allso want to know if there are other logers doing the same thing in Indiana and I cant awnser them for the fact that I cant find that information myself! and I am sure that other reagions are the same way. So weather we do a hard copy or a email or web based news letter I tend to agreee with ricks Idea although I think we would need to figure out somthing on the price postage and how to pay for it. I also think that we should have some sort of state or regenal representation to premote our work and ideas to that local area!And not just on horse loging but as others have sudgeted on all areas of forestry and substainable living and most of all ways to make a living wage at what we love to do ! Tim

    Jim Ostergard

    I’ve been off-line for most of the week so will briefly add here. I agree on getting our objectives nailed down. Also would like not to rush. I try to think things through on my hour and a half drive to the skidder job each day and find myself too tired to write when I get home. Horse work this week will balance things a lot better so I will work on getting more thoughts together.
    I think the idea of a general membership of folks other than those of us who are out there most days with the horses is good as Gregg suggested. We may find some unexpected support for our objectives in a larger audience. I do feel pretty strongly that the core group (at least to get us started) would be best made up of serious horse loggers. I think it will help to keep things in focus.
    When we get to the newsletter Rick’s idea of us printing it out and then sending it to folks we know who may then become connected to the site is grand. I can think of about half a dozen folks I would fire one off to and four of them log and or farm with animals but are not likely to be found here.


    we had our membership set up as a general membership which included land owners and the general public. they received a news letter but could not vote. Only active horse loggers could vote. active meant that they had to work horses in the woods part time or full time. this prevented lawyers and foresters from steering the ship. it did give them input and they could make a suggestion but the horse loggers made the votes.

    cousin jack

    I certainly agree with the last post, about voting rights for active horse loggers only. As regards to a newsletter, can we not have the option of choosing between hard copy and e-mail. Being in the UK, I would naturally go for the latter.

    Jim Ostergard

    If its a motion, I will second it regarding voting rights for practicing horse loggers and membership for others.
    Jim O

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