"Investing for "retirement"’ ??

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  • #44158

    For starters: I need to say that I do not believe in retirement in the modern sense, that at a set age I shall ceases to perform useful work and live off social security. I see retirement as not having to worry that I will be able to pay my bills, I see this as: at some point in time I start to pass responsibilities on to the next generation weather that be a child of mine or an intern that desires to take over and do this on some type of contract for deed so I have an income and the successor does not have to be burdened with the greed and misunderstanding of banks.

    I currently invest in animals, a little land, and a Roth IRA. My question here is about the Roth IRA. A few years back I saw an ad for a book of alternative investing without using the stock market (it was in Small farmers Journal or Mother Earth News, I can’t remember nor can I find that ad/book) if anyone here would have any advice or reading suggestion I would be very interested. I believe that our dollars are the most powerful vote we have and I do not want to be voting against the health of this Earth or the health of the small farms like mine and yours that will be her savior.

    Thank you

    Rivendell Farm

    The Cooperative Fund of New England, http://www.cooperativefund.org/ is one example of a way for socially responsible investors to avoid both the stock market and banks. They make loans to cooperatives and small businesses, and are probably as safe as putting money in a bank, maybe safer. Interest rates are low, but not as bad as bank CDs, the last time I checked. I suppose there are some of these funds that make loans to small farms. I believe Lynn Miller proposed some sort of loan fund for beginning farmers through the Small Farms Conservancy, but I don’t think it got anywhere. Bob

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