Location of person posting

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  • #78113

    In the vBulletin version our location (should we choose to enter one) would show up on the left under our name. It was helpful information when trying to reply to someones question, if the person was in the Northeast many of us can recommend a local solution, if it was elsewhere we could recommend something when we know where they live. This feature makes it so we don’t have to keep stating where we are from, when applicable. Is it possible to add a location option to our profiles and make this visible to others?

    Also we had the option to have a signature that showed up (automatically if checked off) at the bottom of our posts. Many chose to put their name and contact info so that it is included every time. I can live without it, but it would be nice to have back as well.




    On your right hand side is your nickname just above “logout.” Click on it and then on the left side under your avatar will be an “Edit” button, click on it. I believe about half way down the page is a box that you can add your signature which will automatically be added to your posts. I don’t think there is any way to add your location yet.


    Thanks fogish, I must have missed that one when I was editing my profile.  The location would still be handy, we are so spread out and it nice to know what othere are referring to when they “around here.”

    Gabe Ayers

    Erika, all these features I didn’t think about. You can now add your location in your profile (just above the avatar) it will show up under your forum role next to the post (see mine) once you’ve entered a location.

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