Lost Pigs


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  • #81120
    Does’ Leap

    My wife went to feed our remaining four pigs yesterday afternoon and they were gone. We had shut down our fencer b/c of heavy lightning the night before and they must have taken off. These are market-size hogs (260 lbs plus) and represent a good chunk of money for our farm. We tracked them as best we could as their tracks had been rained on (1/2″ plus over the night). We brought out both border collies and would send them on “runs” hoping they would pick something up. Nothing.

    By this time, we were deep in our back-woods. About an hour into looking one of the two dogs did not return. I figured he might have found them and yelled “up, up, up!” trying to get him to flush them out. Nothing. After 15 minutes I called the dog back and then sent him on another run trying to follow as best I could (he’s fast!). After calling him back and following several times, I finally found them. They were a good 1/2 mile from where they were fenced deep in a hemlock grove.

    I used both dogs to drive them back to their outside paddock, fixed the fence and double-checked the voltage. Those dogs are worth their weight in gold.



    We have only 1 boarder collie and several pigs seem to be too much for one dog all at once. She figured out the way to get them where she wanted them was to “divide and conquer”. She brought them back to us one at a time and would then go back for the next one. A real life saver for us. Jay


    I had to go home from school to find the pigs once I could have used a border.

    Ed Thayer


    Good to hear that worked out all right for you. Certainly could have ended badly and at great financial loss. Your dogs sound like awesome additions to the already great operation you have there.


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