Maine Lippitt Morgan Skidding Log

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  • #44374
    Clay White

    1st try at a link…
    Tess the little, but handy morgan.
    Does anyone know others who use morgan’s for work?
    Thank You,


    I have a 22 year old Morgan mare I don’t work with her but I was pulling a cart with skis on Saturday. She is about 700 lbs and has no quit in her she will trot for 5 miles without stoping turn around and trot home! never said no yet. I would take her in the woods if I had a collar for her. All I have is a 24 inch collar or a buggy harness. I was told a Morgan will always give you everything they have. Great now I want to buy a collar for our Morgan gypsy. Great video thanks for posting. Eli

    jen judkins

    Clay, Neal Perry (, a favorite DAPNet clinician and trainer, breeds, trains and works morgans extensively in northern Vermont. When I am an old lady, I will trade in my percherons for a team of his morgans…very nice animal.


    When I get home tonight I’m going to measure gypsy for a collar and look to see what I can find. I have a harness that will fit. Jen does this make me old I am having a birthday soon. Eli


    Nice video, enoyed it.

    Robert MoonShadow

    @Jen Judkins 38780 wrote:

    When I am an old lady, I will trade in my percherons for a team of his morgans…very nice animal.

    Jeez, Jen – that’d be, what, 45 or so more years from now?


    My Guys are a Belgian/ Morgan cross. I like the mix: size and stamina.

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