Malware on DAP?

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  • #43516

    Today, every time I navigate to DAP from another web site, my antivirus software – Norton – announces that it is blocking a “Fake App Attack” from, 80. Might want to run some antivirus software on the DAP server, or ask your hosting company to do it for you.

    Wondering if anyone today is getting a pop-up window telling them that they have a virus, or that their hard drive is being scanned for viruses and they have to download this piece of software to fix it, etc. That is the typical form that this type of attack will take. If this happens to you, it is a scam – don’t fall for it. Just close the window. It will cry at you and and warn you that if you close the window, dire things will happen. Close it anyhow.


    A little more experimenting and it seems that it is the DAP home page that is triggering it, rather than any of the forum pages or any of the “deeper” pages. Just the index.html page seems to be triggering it for me.


    I’m going to try flagging my own post to see if I can bring this to someone’s attention sooner rather than later.

    jen judkins

    Give it a few minutes and then try again. I had to nuke some blog trash on the home page. Let me know if it persists or if anyone else is having trouble… If its just you, grey, well, then its probably not a DAP issue. Just sayin.:)


    no problems yet this side of the water


    Norton is still warning me about this page. I’ve been to some 25 other sites in the meanwhile and haven’t had any warnings about them. But if no one else’s antivirus software is complaining then I guess it isn’t an issue.

    jen judkins

    Well, apparently it is not just you, Grey. Jim Garvin reported that his computer actually downloaded the malware causing a heap of trouble for him and a visit to the computer hospital.

    Unfortunately, we currently do not have a webmaster to fix this. Any thoughts?


    Call Customer Support at your hosting company.


    They can run a virus scan on the server that the web site is stored on.


    Oh, and I’m running Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702. I bet the malware is fairly browser-specific.


    My computer got wiped out as well. The trick that got me was the inclusion of Microsoft in the message. Clicked on the message to fight the threat and wiped everything out!
    I have no idea where it came from, but the tech that worked on my computer said it got a bunch of folks so it may be common on a lot of places.

    jen judkins

    J-L, tell me what you did when you got the warning? Did you click on the link to get more info? I think that is the trigger. If you ignore the message (and believe me, we are trying to remove it completely), it does not seem to cause problems.

    jen judkins

    I have been told by our Webmaster, Ed that the site is clean now. He will monitor the forum for a few days in any case. Please let me know if anyone else is having trouble or getting any security warnings. Thanks for your patience.


    Norton says it is still there.


    Hold on a sec…. I cleared my cache (cookies, browser history, etc.) and it looks like it might be gone now.

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