Marketing Biomass

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  • #89699

    I just saw this article;

    I was wondering if this is something that we may be able to tap into to market some forest thinnings and TSI work?
    Can anyone who went over to sweden comment on how their horse drawn biomass market works?

    Rick Alger

    Five or more years ago I tried to do this with a friend I had worked with before who had bcap certification and a contract with a bcap certified biomass plant. As I recollect, my piece of the project was going to be $9 a ton for 30 tons of piled biomass – tops, rotten butts etc. He was going to chip and truck the wood. But around that time, he ran into financial trouble and went bankrupt. I couldn’t find anyone else to chip it , so I still have the biomass slowly turning into compost.


    I figure there are definitely some challenges, on a positive note the more I work with the USDA and other government organizations I learn that once the spark is lit for funding you can often work around the barriers and help them create programs that can work better. Essentially grassroots lobbying without being a lobbyist. So it is nice to hear that this is on their radar, now they need to hear from people on the ground on how this funding can be better spent. Potentially to subsidize improvement cuts yielding firewood?

    I would love to hear from the folks who went over to Sweden???


    I hate to say this, but you can contact some of the Swedish folk directly on facebook. I went to Sweden, but I did not retain the information that you want.


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