Motion to accept vote

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  • #41110
    Scott G

    We have allowed sufficient time for everyone to weigh in..

    The results:

    #1 Do we adopt in final form the name, mission statement, and four goals that have been decided on previously?
    Yea 9 Nay 0

    #2 Do we adopt “Share techniques and strategies” as a 5th goal? (A nay vote would keep the four we have. The ability to add additional goals in the future is always an option.)
    Yea 1 Nay8

    I need a motion to accept the vote and adopt the name, mission statement, and goals as written and stated below. Some one please follow up with a second on the motion.

    Name of Effort/Organization

    “Draft Animal Powered Forestry, International” (DAPFI)

    Mission Statement

    “To promote the use of draft animal powered timber harvesting methods that support positive impact forest management”

    Primary Goals

    1) “To improve opportunities for draft animal forestry practitioners to unite regionally, and internationally, to share information, work, markets, and advocacy.”

    2) “To serve as a networking, clearinghouse and contact information for individuals and organizations involved in animal powered forestry throughout the world.”

    3) ”To advance an ecological perspective of forest management, based on the use of draft animals, and other low impact/low input strategies.”

    4) ”Work with researchers to study and publish ecological benefits of animal logging.”

    I’ll follow up with a new thread after this has been accepted (or not) to work on the next steps.

    Thanks for everyones patience. We are a reclusive lot…

    john plowden

    I’ll second the motion –


    If Jhon wasnt the second then Ill second the motion if he was then ok Ill thrid the motion

    Scott G

    All those in favor reply with “Aye”, those opposed reply “Nay”

    john plowden

    aye aye aye just to get past the ten character minimum

    Jim Ostergard

    Aye it is for me too. Thanks for the good work Scott.

    Carl Russell

    I’ll say yes, Carl


    I will say yes

    Gabe Ayers

    Moving on with all yes’s at this point….me too.

    Heard that Simon is getting washed away in the UK….hope his horses can swim as well as they log…..

    simon lenihan

    The answer is yes to all.
    simon lenihan

    Scott G

    Logs stay cleaner when you’re yarding (floating) across the water, Simon? 🙂

    Rick Alger

    yes .


    Yes to all for me Scott

    Iron Rose

    yes for me too


    yes for me also. Taylor Johnson

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