My New Mule

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    Hi, I would like to introduce my new mule Mine of Gold.

    She is about 12 hands, and 18 years old.

    She is trained to drive. Looking to find some tack to fit her, my mini stuff is just a bit small.

    Joshua Kingsley

    I sent you a Pm about some tack.


    Boy, she’s either got short ears or really long winter fur. 🙂

    Robert MoonShadow

    Check on tack for donkeys (standard/large standard) in size…


    Berta, she has both short ears and a long coat. Does not seem to be shedding at all yet.

    Headed to GA next month and have an appointment with Mules and Moore in SC to get some tack and hopefully a cart for her.

    I bought her a halter, first one pony size was too small, next one cob size is a bit too big. They must make them for mules and donkeys that are long enough, but not so baggy under their chin.

    She is a lot of fun, but did need some TLC. Her feet were long, teeth even longer and her worm count is very high.


    What beautiful, kind eyes she has. Congratulations

    @Jean 16932 wrote:

    Hi, I would like to introduce my new mule Mine of Gold.

    She is about 12 hands, and 18 years old.

    She is trained to drive. Looking to find some tack to fit her, my mini stuff is just a bit small.


    @Maxwell 17077 wrote:

    What beautiful, kind eyes she has. Congratulations

    I like her eyes too!


    Gabe Ayers

    I think she is a henny = pony over donkey. That’s what the short ears suggest.



    I think she is a Henny too. I have renamed her Anna Mule. I love how black and white she is. She does not want you near her she turns her back, she is ok with you approaching she faces you. She wants you to pet her she sighs. I had Magic, Jen’s mini out with her yesterday for the first time and when I went out to see how they were doing, she would not let Magic approach me, she would herd him away. I corrected her and in a couple of minutes I was able to pet them both at the same time.


    Robert MoonShadow

    From what I’ve always heard, it’s not the ears that will clue you on whether a hinny or mule, but which animal it likes to hang with: pony/horse or donkey = it’ll be most comfortable with whatever was that raised her (her dam).
    Sure is a sweet thing, Jean!

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