Newsletter Correction – for your reading pleasure

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    Read on for the most enjoyable email that I received this morning…. and my response. Please forgive my spelling error in the Fall 2014 Newsletter – it was a big one!

    Hi, Bekah –

    I didn’t offer a personal goodbye on Sunday but wanted to say thanks for the certain part you and Neal both played in making the Gathering a happening. I’ll be working on the DAPNet coverage article with end-of-October as my personal goal. We have a lot going on here with relocation efforts and family assistance issues.

    The other day I was wearing some tomato seeds in my beard while eating some of Chef Mike’s delicious lunch and one brave person had the fortitude to let me know. I appreciated that. So here is my similar effort. You are sure to hear from someone besides me, but “Alice” Chalmers is actually…… Allis-Chalmers. Otherwise, great article! 🙂

    We have two farm cats. Both abandoned, neutered pets from people who apparently think every farmer feeds there feline mousers a gourmet commercial feast made by Friskies or Puss-and-Boots. My point is they are both orange cats, and we wrestled for months on creative names for them. It was winter when they were taken-in which corresponded with paging through seed catalogs. Squash varieties seemed to offer some cool names, but alas, none were masculine for our “Boy Cat” (along with “Girl Cat”, we still call them by those generic names). Ultimately, they were named “Allis” and “Chalmers”. Their names prove interesting as a “test” for rural and non-rural folk. Regardless the spelling, at least you and I both know Allis (or Alice) Chalmers is a farm machinery company.

    TAKE CARE!! 🙂

    Brian B. Burger

    Hi Brian,
    Thank you for your note. I’ll defer the spelling to my editor and beloved husband… who was the first to notice when the newsletter arrived, but had overlooked it when he proof read the article. He was focused on the content at that late hour I’m sure! In any case, my sincere apologies go out to Mrs. (or is it Mr?) Chalmers. Give my best to your feline friends – very creative names and what a test!

    Looking forward to seeing your article.


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