Newsletter example

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  • #40781
    Scott G

    While we’re waiting a bit for more input I thought I’d attach a copy of the BHL newsletter. It is the summer 2008 edition. Click on the URL.

    Carl Russell

    Thanks Scott, I was thinking this would be a good example. Simon e-mailed me a PDF copy a while ago. I really like what they have done. It is simple and presentable. The BHL is another example of what is already happening out there in other regions of the world, and I think that whatever we do, it should compliment these other efforts, while facilitating a connection so we can all see what’s going on with others.

    ps. notice their editor is stepping down.


    Hey where is everybody?

    john plowden

    Haying! and cutting some pine –

    Gabe Ayers

    Working on the details of Southern Draft Animal Days, just a month away….

    Making Salsa from the many tomatoes that won’t go up canned whole….

    Keeping the jobs going at the Crooked River Farm project….

    Clipping pastures, cruising timber, coordinating contractors, putting electric fence around the corn patch to keep the dam coons from rioting in my front yard….they were so loud last night that it woke us up….

    Everybody is working I suspect….

    Carl Russell

    Canning dilly beans, freezing string beans, digging potatoes, sawing beams, and trying to find shade. Might go buy a new ‘puter this afternoon.

    Jim Ostergard

    In the woods,wicked hot so short days scooting wood out and flagging lines. Glad not to be running the 441 in 92 degree weather.

    simon lenihan

    Thinning larch in a semi ancient natural woodland, rain, rain and more rain another disasterous summer.
    simon lenihan

    Rick Alger

    Hand mowing corners and rocky spots in the pastures. 89 degrees today. Hottest day of the year.

    cousin jack

    I’m about 100 miles from Simon, but in contrast, hot, humid, and the flies eating us alive, pulling out birch and hazel.

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