oil can

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  • #39643
    Mark Cowdrey

    I know this is minor.

    Does anyone have a line on a new oil can that fits reasonably (not too loose) in the recess on a McD mower made for that purpose? Also, has anyone come up with a good device/method for carrying a hayfork on the mower? My #9 re-build is getting close to ready. Have had perfect hay weather here in Central NH for last 3 days. Lots of folks got started.



    An 80-90 wght. plastic gear oil bottle(round bottom) works just fine for an oil can on a #9 and holds more then one of the old tin ones. You can also apply a much more liberal dose of oil fast. I just used the 80-90 wght, on the bar then replaced it with some chain saw bar oil i had, but you can use whatever. It worked well.

    Don’t know about the pitch fork holder. Nice to have around but i usually leave it at the edge of the field if i need it.



    Mark Cowdrey

    Thanks Neal


    Can’t help with the oil can question but have my own minor question relating to the rebuild of my no.7 McD mower. What color paint would be original for the mower body and wheels?

    Carl Russell

    I haven’t got a line on a new one, but I use an older (not too old, 70’s) metal can with a 6″ nozzle and a thumb plunger. I can apply oil up and down the sickle bar without getting off the seat, as the thumb pump puts out a pretty good squirt. I also use B & C oil, or even “recycled” motor oil. Carl


    Rod, if you are an historic detail freak the University of Wisconcin Historic division has all the minutes and decisions/books made by IHC/McD. for equipment colors. They have the original color scheme.

    Maybe try Lynn Millers Mower book for an old ad. or email SFJ. They would know.

    Personally I want to do one Day-Glow orange one of these days. Or purple. Most of mine are red, or rust.


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