Ox Eye Problems

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  • #43992

    This morning while watching my steers at the water trough I noticed that my off steers near eye had a red growth. It appeared to be on the eyeball under his upper lid, but perhaps on a near by membrane. It can only be seen when he rolls his eye, not at normal state of dull alertness. When I try to grab his upper lid to have a closer look I can’t seem to get to they eye itself amongst all the lids and membranes to see the problem closer. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all so I am not too worried, but I will keep a watch on it in case it wants to become a problem.

    Has anyone had experience with something like this before? I have seen “Cancer Eye” in a beef heifer and I know that condition can go away and sometimes reoccurs or can blow up to eye loss, I am hoping that it is not this.


    If the eye is draining, could be the start of pink eye.


    We had pink eye last year, so far no draining, if I hadn’t noticed the flat red spot I wouldn’t know anything was different.


    The eye seems to be fine now and healed, I am guessing that he caught it on a twig or something of the sort.

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