Percheron needs working situation

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  • #44070
    jen judkins

    OK, the inevitable has happened. Reno, my 8 yo percheron has been rehabilitated and is now in need of work. It became crystal clear to me working him at the DAPNet annual gathering, that he is no longer ‘disabled’. He likes to work and he is ready for a regular schedule.

    In my rehab work, one of the hardest parts is recognizing and honoring the horse that is ready to leave me and move on to some sort of purpose. It is, afterall, how I make room for new rehab projects. I adore this horse and its hard for me to let him go, but its time to at least consider it as a possibility.

    Reno is an 8 year old, dapple grey percheron. He has recovered from a life threatening hind leg injury. He is sound, though under some circumstances, he backs up with a slight hitch in his gait. He loves to skid wood and knows that job very well. He has worked extensively as a single, but works in a team as well. He has plowed, cultivated, and spread manure as a single and in a team. He has done parades and has taught newbie teamsters the feel of the lines. He works with blinders and without. He is suitable for a beginner, but has the work ethic that would be appropriate for a pro. He has a lot of life and energy but is soft in the bridle. Loves attention and children. I cannot imagine a nicer horse exists on the planet.

    Reno could live out his life on my farm and continue to inspire folk to consider draft horses for work as he has done for the past few years. He has been a wonderful ambassador for DAPNet. But I will just toss this out there….if someone has a situation where he could work regularly, farming and/or logging, I would consider selling or leasing him. For a young farmer I would consider a free trial/lease if it was the right situation. I am not looking to recoup my investment in him. I just want to find the right situation, one where he could feel useful and happy. My only condition would be that if he does not work out, that he comes back to me.

    This is a really hard decision for me after all the blood, sweat and tears, I have invested in this horse…but its time to open that door. Serious inquiries only, please.

    Jim Ostergard

    Oh Jen,
    I have the work, likely an entire winters worth but Linda would not be happy if I added another fellow to the barn. I do have some ideas so will let those folks know. Atticus is coming along. Should have them on the cart tomorrow for the first time and will send pictures along when I get to that point.

    jen judkins

    Thanks, Jim. I plan to bring him up to the LIF course again this year, so if you have interested loggers, let them know that.

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