Playing with the bit

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    Do all mules play with the bit. Anna Mule moves hers around all the time. She gets it under her tongue then moves it back over her tongue. I have moved it up on the bridle, but it does not stop her from doing it. I have never seen a horse be able to move their tongue the way she does. Her nose band is not very tight, but on the last hole. Do you think if I made the nose band tighter it would stop this silliness.


    Hello Jean. Is she a youngster? How long have you had her packing the bit around?
    Some of my mules and the ones I’ve broken for other folks played with the bit for a while. Used to drive me nuts on the first one. I was worried that it was a bad habbit. When I got to using her a lot more, she just quit.
    All of them have gotten over it and kind of hold the bit where they want it so I don’t keep it all that snug in their mouths.
    I did put a curb with a roller in one mule to see if she’d play with that. It really didn’t interest her much. She was the one who did it the longest. I finally just went to riding her and when it became uncomfortable for her she quit.

    Donn Hewes

    Hi Jean and JL, I have a mule, one I raised myself, who will play with the bit all the time. He is six this year and I think he is slowly doing it less while working. I think there are horses that will do this too. I think tightening the bit will help brake them of it when they are first bitted. But a mule that gets that habit will be harder to stop than a horse, once they start. I don’t want to over tighten a bridle for an animal that is working long hours. I guess I have learned to ignore it, but I would try to avoid it when i start another mule.


    Thanks – She is not young. I think she is around 18 years old. She has a very good whoa with just voice, so it does not bother me as much as if she did not listen to my voice. I have just never seen a horse be able to move the bit as much as she can. She is my first mule. I am hoping that once we get working she will have something more interesting to pay attention to.


    My mule had a big issue with her bit and the farm I got her from had a mule bit with a roller on it which she fought like mad. I changed her to a snaffle bit with rubber and she was better but still fussed a little. Then we had the teeth floated ( they were bad) and waited a few days for any sores she may have had from them to heel and tried her again. She was much better so I tried a Mullen Liverpool bit on the snaffle settling and she is almost normal, just a little drooling. During this time I have been working to soften her mouth also. Light reins and working on the ground with just the bridle and bit then with lines. She has vastly improved. I don’t know for sure it was the teeth but I thing all the changes helped a little.


    I am using a bridle that fits better now and have the bit adjusted up a little higher in her mouth. Has helped a lot. I think I had it too far down and she did not like it sitting on her tongue.


    That’s intresting, how do you go about raising the bit?


    her bridle has lots of adjustment buckles on the sides. I pulled up the one closest to her mouth.

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