Rural Heritage Sold

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  • #39321
    Gabe Ayers

    Just heard that Rural Heritage will be based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa after the New Year. It is now owned by the folks at Mischka Calendar. I look forward to working with them in the future.

    Jason Rutledge


    Mr. Biological Whatever- Have you forgotten your struggles? Need I remind you? Yes, we were once friends. Never more, you commercial whore.

    Carl Russell

    John:confused: What was the point of that?:( On this forum we will not catch your posts, or edit them, you are on your own to be constructive and polite. You have been given a chance, and several people have tried to encourage you to participate more positively. Name calling will not be tolerated here. You are no longer welcome here. Carl 😮


    Dear Forum,

    Though it is not our desire to control the flow of conversation on this forum, we have found it necessary to Ban one member from this list. We apologize for having to do this, but I am sure most will agree the member had many chances to redirect his energy to something more positive and constructive. The language and personal insults was the final straw.

    ….And so our community grows and matures….


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