Sad but interesting Seed Company Info

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  • #42588
    near horse

    Check out this graphic about what companies now own seed companies – it’s in the hands of just a few.


    Dangerous situation to be in.. I discovered recently that you can not buy sugar beet seed in the UK unless you are a registered grower for British Sugar…


    This is such a tease, I can’t make out hardly any of the smaller company names. The only one that I am somewhat sure of is that Jung is owned by ASI which is owned by Monsanto. After hearing rumors that Monsanto owned Jung, I specifically asked them if this was true, the woman taking my order said that they were not and that they are privately owned. She failed to mention that the private part was owned by the big M 🙁

    I have 2 open pollinated corn varieties that I like from Shumway which is owned by Jung, at least I can save them. I need to see who else to boycott next year when I spend my hard earned money on seed.

    I even downloaded the pdf to see if I could make out any of the other names but no such luck, any suggestions on how to get the small company names.



    If you go to Monsantos website for instance, vegetable division, they list a lot of their distributors and seed subsidiaries. An awful lot of the big seed catalog names are there…

    near horse

    @dominiquer60 26106 wrote:

    This is such a tease, I can’t make out hardly any of the smaller company names. The only one that I am somewhat sure of is that Jung is owned by ASI which is owned by Monsanto. After hearing rumors that Monsanto owned Jung, I specifically asked them if this was true, the woman taking my order said that they were not and that they are privately owned. She failed to mention that the private part was owned by the big M 🙁

    I have 2 open pollinated corn varieties that I like from Shumway which is owned by Jung, at least I can save them. I need to see who else to boycott next year when I spend my hard earned money on seed.

    I even downloaded the pdf to see if I could make out any of the other names but no such luck, any suggestions on how to get the small company names.


    Sorry Erika. I also downloaded the pdf (the full article) and then used the “magnifier” thing (+ and -) to enlarge the image (resolution drops but readable).

    Also, some othe good graphics – breaks it down with one big corp per graphic further down the article.

    BTW – I’ve got a seed cleaner (more of a scalper) but …. I’m open for business (and it’ll fit on a trailer easy). Bring it on MontSynPont!



    Yes many catalogs sell Seminis (Monsanto seed). I was aware of many Seminis varieties, but since reviewing the site I discovered 5 varieties that I will have to replace, I thought that Big Beef was the only one that we had left, I was wrong.

    I found some of the other companies owned by ASI (American Seeds Inc.) at their site. They list Jung Seed Genetics (corn and bean company clearly labeled as a Monsanto owned business) but I could not find a connection between them and J.W. Jung Seed Company (garden seeds), though I know they sell Seminis seed like many other catalogs.

    Still straining to make out data on the chart, I just do better with visual aids, as long as I can read them:)

    seriously, thanks for posting it Geoff



    I was not aware of the +/- options when I first looked at the article, yes blurry still, but a huge help, thanks.


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