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  • #40330
    Iron Rose

    Buck finds a mule that caught his eye and tries to buy it. Farmer says “you sure you want that mule He don’t look good “. Buck says “I know mules and that mule look OK to me”. Farmer agrees to sell the Mule. Few weeks later farmer runs into Buck and asks about the mule, that mule you sold me was blind. Well the farmer said I told you he didn’t look good!!!! ” What did you do with him ” asked the Farmer. ” Well I raffled him off for $5.00 a chance and sold 500 chances ” answered Buck. “Well weren’t they upset with buying a blind mule” asks the farmer. . “Only the guy that won him and I gave him his $5.00 back”answers Buck.


    Heard both of those stories seperately. My Grandfather sold his cheap uncle a big blue roan that “didn’t look so good”. Dropped him off at night. The next morning his uncle led him to the water tub and he ran into it and smashed it because he didn’t see it. Boy was he mad but went on to use that horse for years. The raffle story I heard was a dead mule and he gave the winner back his ticket money. Funny how these stories evolve isn’t it?

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