Shaft weight

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  • #39478
    Gooserun Farm

    I have a homemade forecart/arch that I built for a team. I was thinking about putting shafts on it to use with a single. I’m concerned it might be too heavy. I use D-Ring harnesses. My mare is about 16 hands, 1700 lbs. Any guidelines? With the tongue on it I can lift and move it around pretty easy but it is heavier than my Pioneer cart.

    Jim Ostergard

    I use my arch with Rusty and its fairly heavy on the shafts. Been meaning to actually take a scale out and measure it. Maybe tomorrow and I will let you know. I have an old heavy wagon saddle that I use sometimes when I don’t use the D-ring. I just pad the jack saddle on the D-ring. My arch is a walking beam and I can sit on it and thow the weight behind the axles.
    I just moved the skidder to Jason’s and saw your team. I sure like the looks of them, Carl (sp?) is a beauty. Once I get the twitch road worked (maybe a day) they will have a good easy go and be able to work a bit.
    I will let you know the weight and maybe post a picture of us on the arch.
    peace…..Jim Ostergard

    Carl Russell

    Not that it would be appropriate, but a draft horse ought to be able to carry 200 lbs on the jack saddle of a D-ring harness. Carl

    Gooserun Farm

    Thanks Carl and Jim. So basically if the shafts don’t feel too heavy to me they should be fine for my mare? Jim, they are a great team. Hated to see them leave but I think they’ll do well for Jason. Hopefully they get more work then they did with me. I am hoping to get down there sometime to see your operation.

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