So you want to be like that?

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums The Front Porch Stories, Poetry, Jokes, Etc. So you want to be like that?

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  • #40041
    Carl Russell

    I was looking at this forum today, and thinking that I can’t seem to recall any funny stories.

    Well, we’ve got this 4 month old Jersey bull who has been walking under the fence and helping himself to the barnyard. He’s pretty relaxed and I can halter him with ease, or often drive him into his stall.

    Tonight however, he was feeling a little defiant. As I approached him in the dark the motion detector light went on at about the same time he noticed me, so he had a bit of alarm in his eye. Rather than follow my lead he resisted going into the barn door where the cow stalls are.

    To my astonishment he disappeared into the dark under the gate into the horse pasture. Then next time I saw him it was in the dim shadow at the edge of the light-shine, in a swirl of snow, followed very closely by my Ted horse, who by the way, looked intent on stomping the you know what out of him.

    Before I could form a thought as to whether I should be concerned, here he came at the speed of sound out of the dark, right past me, down the drive, and under the gate into the cow paddock, where he waited patiently for me to come get him.

    It’s moments like that that remind me why I love this life. Standing by myself in the cold winter dark, light silent snow falling all around me, with soft yellow light shining in oblique rectangles out into the yard, dark roving bodies in the shadows, and I’m laughing out load, casting comments into the ether, and I feel so alive.



    I am laughing with you on that one Carl, that Fredrick does have a glint of trouble in his eyes at times, I can picture it 🙂


    Carl, it takes moments like that to keep us moving along and keep doing what we do….

    I tried attaching a photo (hope it works) that I took last Saturday when we went out to feed the cows. It was snowing softly and the brook was babbling in the background. Farming is time consuming, but definitely a labor of love for me. It is very gratifying to see the kids get excited about a new born calf or jumping on the forecart to go for a ride.

    The barn is my escape from my “day job”. After I put the kids to bed I go out the barn and the silence is GOLDEN! Then there has been that moon for the past few nights that just makes you stop and reflect on life itself….


    nothing funny but something to look forward to

    I`m waiting with great anticipation for the first kids from my does. They are fresheners and I expect good kids from the bucks that sired them.

    So, while I check everyday the goatish mothers to be, I happened to overlook that old grand dame “Dicke”, one of your sheep, is getting an enormous belly. Today I spotted her udder growing bigger and realised: the sheep kids might make the race 🙂

    And then the look on the face of my buck Lukas after he spend five minutes on the ground after challenging me yesterday. Or the look of satisfaction from Nero, one of the wethers who has been pestered by Lukas a lot in the last weeks, seeing this impertinent youngster made feel small again.

    Julie Clemons

    I’ve been riding Lil lately as I don’t have a lot of winter work for her. Since she is so tall it is quite a job to get up there and I have to spring rather energetically to make it all the way up into the saddle. The other day I happened to have on a pair of slick nylon pants and I sprang so energetically that I went up, over and down the other side in one smooth motion. I landed on my shoulder more or less under her feet.

    She stood there a moment before turning to give me a Look. You all know the look I mean – something like “you humans make less sense every day.”

    It took me a while to stop laughing but we had a good ride after that.


    You all know the look I mean – something like “you humans make less sense every day.”

    Summerweather was fine, my ox had been hitched to the sulky and we went to visit a neighbour.
    We had to go through a low underpass beneath the autobahn and stood in front of a high wall of nettles on the other side. I knew, beyond the nettles was green gras and there was our way to continue to the other farm; my ox had stopped to look at the obstacle. I asked him to continue and after my second, more pressing request he commenced pulling; we didn’t get very far: hidden in the nettles was a log, the sulky was hooked on it, overturned and I landed in the midst of the nettles. The face of my ox when he turned back to look at the mess was just hilarious and I swear I heard him say: “Now, you wanted me to do it….” 😮

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