Southern Horse Progress Days

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  • #39710
    Gabe Ayers

    Well, I posted on RH about this idea and there is a growing interest from many southerners. I mentioned that I have been a part of NEAPFD in the past and thought that was an appropriate regional event that we should learn from and try to do something similar in the south.

    I know this board is primarily a northeast participant site, but thought there may be a southerner or two on here that would be interested in participating.

    The question was asked by Tommy Flowers as to whether to have old or new equipment. My thinking is that as long as it contributes to more people working animals it should be included.

    So if anyone has any interest please contact us and in the meantime go to your local events and talk to new people and grow the culture of animal powered lifestyles. This is an adventure in the re-culturing of rural America.


    Carl Russell


    Sounds like a great idea. At least based on our region, and from articles in SFJ and others, these small regional gatherings are getting a lot of interest. Especially if the event is about more than hooves and harnesses, the community building, networking, and mutual initiatives that come from them are going to be very important to us as we shift to more sustainable, renewable, and restorative land-use practices.

    For you and all others to know, this site was the result of discussions at 2007 Northeast Animal-Power Field Days, and there are a lot of users who live in this region, BUT it was not designed to limit, nor to specifically orient the participation to the Northeast. We all appreciate the contributions from everyone, from next door to the far reaches of our planet. We would be very pleased to see this forum used as a platform to develop networks and outreach in any other region.

    Good luck and let us know if we can help, Carl



    Sounds like an excellent idea, the more draft animal power gets out there the better. When’s the first one, and where??

    Neal McNaughten
    Unity, me.

    Gabe Ayers


    The first Southern Horse Progress Days will be in the fall of 2009, but we have not decided where. It seems to be some regional interest throughout the south and possibly will be best served by several different events in different locations just to give more people a chance to attend.

    We have had about 30 serious responses to the survey at:

    We are working on a location and an organizing body to put together the first event.

    It is not an easy thing to do the first time, but what Carl and Lisa have done with NEAPFD is an inspiration to all of us and we look forward to having the first such event in the southeastern U.S.

    Stay tuned, if you know anyone in the south or anyone that would like to participate in any way – as a vendor, or attendee please let them know about the web site so they can get on the mailing list.

    Thanks to everyone for their interest and support.

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