Thank You DAPNet…

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  • #81246
    Carl Russell

    September, 30 2013
    Dear DAPNet Board and Membership,
    In 2005 when Lisa and I held our Horse-logging Weekend, our primary purpose was to offer an opportunity to participants to connect with experienced teamsters and to see how draft animals can be applied seriously to forestry work.
    We could never have guessed that the enthusiasm that followed that weekend would give birth to the Northeast Animal-Power Field Days, nor eventually to Draft Animal Power Network.
    It has been a whirlwind of amazing years that led up to this latest 2013 Draft Animal Power Field Days in Barton, Vermont, but the result is truly exciting.
    Lisa and I are very proud and appreciative of the serious and steadfast nature of everyone who has been involved, from the development of DAPNet as a non-profit organization, to the organizing of DAPFD 2013.
    This last weekend was a true demonstration of the capacity that DAPNet possesses as an organization to meet the goals of our growing community of draft animal practitioners.
    It also is inspiring beyond expectation to see how this community has risen to the challenges of expanding opportunities to learn about and practice age-old crafts in a modern world whose barriers are significant.
    On a personal note, it is overwhelming to see so clearly how many other people share the vision that we felt was important enough to work toward, and we thank you sincerely for sharing this experience with us.
    We look forward as members of the DAPNet community to new networking opportunities, great educational events, and ever-expanding amazing friendships.

    Carry on, Carl Russell and Lisa McCrory.

    Brad Johnson

    Carl and Lisa-
    So pleased to hear that you two are as excited as I am about how we have progressed. It means a lot to me to have your support – thanks!


    I whole heartedly second Brad’s comments above. Jay


    Yes it was exciting to see all of our enthusiasm overcome our doubt and pull off a wonderful event that again triggered much support, enthusiasm and inspiration in the draft animal community. Thank you Carl and Lisa for giving us all the opportunity to become involved with your initial ideas and perpetual enthusiasm. I am grateful to be part of this draft animal community that has resulted from much effort on many fronts.

    Donn Hewes

    Home, safe and sound, now just trying to help out Maryrose for being gone! My first observations from the weekend is that the balance of draft animal practitioners to serious green teamsters to the interested and curious was fantastic. That made workshops and presentations great because the questions and info sharing where spot on. The young farmers (anyone under 50!) and the old teamsters (some as young as 40!) were the two power houses of the Field Days Two groups I can not get enough of. Thanks to everyone that came, presented, volunteered, and supported this great event. Donn

    Someone in the NE Kingdom please extend my thanks to the whole local community that helped us hold our event in their midst. They were great.


    Us too. Penny and I want to thank everyone who put on the field days. All of you, no matter what task you had to deal with. We had a wonderful time. It was just the best.
    We have only come over a couple three times, and then only for Saturday between chores, and even then don’t sit through a talk or demonstration, on the run,trying to see as much as we can before heading back home. But inspite of that, we always talk it over on the way home and even though we stick together for the day, she sees and says things I didn’t get and I do the same, and we sit there and watch the farms go by and laugh and talk and get away for the day.
    We worried after our first trip that it never could be as good, but it was and still is.
    How can you miss with a fairground full of people of all ages mixing up with others all interested in the same thing you are, in a beautiful place on the most beautiful day god ever created. Its gotta be great.

    Tender Soles

    My name is Rich Lee and I’m from Whitefield, ME. Thank you so much to everyone who helped with the event. I was one of those lurkers you guys mentioned at the annual meeting and tend on the quiet side anyway. Kate and I were really happy that we took the time to come to the Field Days and learned a lot and got some good ideas from the workshops and demos. So much so that we have become members.

    I don’t know much about the strength of DAPnet’s connection to Maine and there is a Maine teamster presence on the board, but I started to think of the idea of having some sort of liaison to MOFGA to improve DAPnet’s presence in Maine. There are many skilled teamsters all over the state; I’m bumping into new ones all the time as a young teamster myself. Some already participate on DAPnet and some don’t. Many of these teamsters I have learned a lot from just through conversation yet I believe that if they had some prodding they would like to step up and help or participate in the organization just as I needed a bit of prodding. I can certainly nominate myself to make an attempt at this, but was wondering if anyone could offer some guidance on how to get there.

    Thanks again for your hard work and I look forward to the next Field Day.

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