The difference between Night and Day

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums The Front Porch Member Diaries The difference between Night and Day

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  • #84606
    Kevin Cunningham

    Yesterday I had a guy come out to the farm to work with me and the oxen for a bit. He is a logger, thinker, crazy project kinda guy and he wanted to see if the oxen could work in the forest. I thought great I can get an extra pair of hands to help with the boys and share some of my excitement about the oxen. Overall the day went well we took out two trees that were leaning into the back pasture, moved some logs, and the boys got a work out. I had been building up to and planning for this work day for weeks, just to make sure they were in top shape and on their best behaviour, which they were not! This team will be four in April and I am amazed at how much I have done, but also at how much this team has pushed my boundaries. I have threatened to beef them many times before. I know that much of my problem stems from my inexperience, but I also tend to think that I got dealt a tough hand to start with. This team has taught me so much. Anyhow Tex my near steer threw a fit. He has been running hot lately as I am grazing all of our winter grass (this is CA after all). I know better than to trust this team under a load without an emergency break, so I always have a halter on Tex as a just in case measure. Well towards the end of the day he started bucking and fighting and just getting crazy. I was probably pushing them too far, but I thought I had conditioned them to this point and a little push would be good. This was as we were heading back to the barn with only the stoneboat. I always try to end on a good note but he was making it near impossible. He knows when the end is near and wants to be done now not in the five more minutes of hitching and un-yoking. This was embarrassing and dangerous and difficult and why now?!? Well I managed to end on a reasonable note but I am fuming and talking about hamburger again.

    Then there was last night… We had a big storm brewing and I woke up at 2 am to mooing were there shouldn’t be any mooing. Our net fence had blown down and the oxen, steers and heifer were all in the barn having a party. The wind is blowing and rain and well you get the picture. And the oxen let me walk right up and halter them in the dark with a flashlight and then walk out to the field and stand patiently while I set the fence back up. They walk at my pace and respected my space and were amazingly patient. I managed to get them and the steers back out to the pasture and everybody was content, grazing and I am back in bed before 2:30. And I am thinking is this the same team that threw a fit earlier?

    I still have a lot to learn and someday I will beef this team but I have a feeling they still have some things to teach me.


    I can never figure out what gets in their heads sometimes. There is always something to learn- always. The more miles and hours you get, the better.

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