The Famous Maude

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums The Front Porch In Memorium The Famous Maude

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    20yrs ago our family bought a weanling foal that my Mother named Maude after my Greatgrandfathers calm grey Percheron mare. As she grew up she was just as her namesake was, calm, steady and willing. She gave countless children “pony” rides, wagon rides, stood patiently to be petted by mobs of kids, been on tv and graced the front page of local papers numerous times, earned her keep on the farm as a solid worker driving with no line pressure but still would dive into the collar if asked to move a heavy load. She set the bar for what we expected the rest of our herd to become and now she is physically gone but her legacy lives on! RIP old girl you’ve earned your rest.

    mother katherine

    My condolences. I’m sure there will be a big hole in your hearts for awhile.


    Feeding and mucking out a horse for twenty years, especially a steady horse, that gives her all whenever you ask and askes nothing in return becomes part of the barn and you expect to see her everytime you go in, just like seeing a finger on your hand every time you look down. They become part of you and your day, and when they are gone, and you look down and your finger is missing, part of you and your day is missing too. Horses come and horses go but some are special and don’t go so easy. Sorry about your horse


    Well said Mitch, Thanks.

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