The "Goat Whisperer"

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  • #40122
    Robert MoonShadow

    As some of you know, I grow produce for the farmers’ market, and raise goats. Last spring, I decided to take my goat kids (without their mommas) into the market, so that the town kids could actualy see & pet real farm animals – and to create a festive atmosphere at the market. I had about 9 little goaties, in all. So here’s the math: 9 energetic goaties + about a dozen (or more) kids all together in a 16′ x 16′ pen = GIGGLES!! Lots & lots of giggles!! (Yup, you guessed it – I was the one giggling the loudest!) Now I had this woman standing by me, who started giving me grief for not having all the goaties named. I explained: The boy goats were all sold, and their new owners would name them, and all the girl goaties had names, except for the smallest one. That she was new; a bummer (rejected by her mother) & was still being bottle-fed; & that I didn’t know her name, yet. Now inside this pen was a little – I mean very little – 2 year-old girl. Picture this girl: she’s got the blond, curly hair, the dimples, the shyness – she’s got it all, right? She’s “helping” me bottle feed the littlest one & must have heard that woman & I talking. When she finally goes to leave (after 3 bottles!), she stops & tugs on my pant leg. I figure she’s going to say “Thank you, Mr. Pirate”, like most of the kids did. (I wear an eyepatch, remember?), so I bend down with a big smile & say “Yes?” she says “Her name is ‘Pearl'” – I say, “The baby goat?” and she says:
    Yes… she told me
    Needless to say, I now have a goat named Pearl.
    These are the moments that make me who I am.
    On a side note: Her mother told me that she NEVER talks to strangers. I told her: “Ma’am, I’m NOT a stranger –> I’m the Pirate with the baby goaties! There’s a difference”.
    And these are the moments that make me glad to be one-eyed.
    Look in the photo gallery for “The Goat Whisperer”, if you wanna see her.
    Well, snap! I guess the photo will be postponed ’til i can figure out how to downsize photos… 4 photos programs & can’t figure none of them out!


    any chance you’re coming to central oregon for the sfj auction this april? i’m sure there would be lots of garden implements for that donkey of yours, harness too, but i’m sure you’ll be up and plowing by then. anyway, it would be nice to make your acquaintance. bob h.



    I brought a new white bantam hen to the market a couple of times. Of course everyone wanted to know her name, so I came up with a naming contest on the spot for a free dozen eggs to the person that came up with the best name.
    Princess Pearl went home with a new name and some lucky little girl went home with a dozen eggs that she insisted were Princess Pearl’s eggs 🙂


    Cute story!

    Have you tried uploading them to photobucket and fixing them there? Then load them onto this site?

    Funny, Both kids picked the name “Pearl”
    My mother’s name was Hazel Pearl..When I wanted to piss her off I’d call her that.
    She HATED it!

    Robert MoonShadow

    Dominiquer = 😀
    Bob H. -> I’m trying to devise a way to pay for it… I’ll probably be back at work trailbuilding by late March, so there’s a good possibility. I’d ike to meet you, too.

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