Training Mules for Jumping?

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    I’m interested in training one of my mules for jumping. I was wondering if anybody had trained mules for this before and what methods they had used. Just to be clear now I’m talking about the Mule jumping that takes place from a standstill sometimes its called coon hunting mule jumping NOT the jumping that involves wearing tight pants, tall boots and top hats.


    I taught Ruthie the wonder mule to jump. It has come in handy a few times. I got cornered in some thick brush chasing cows and didn’t want to go back through it, so I just threw my coat over the top wire (4 1/2′ high fence) and jumped her over. My friends helping gather had to go back through the jungle with their horses.

    It was easy to teach. I started with a pole on the ground and worked up from there. Just used the end of my lead rope or longe line and got her going over and worked up to level with my chin. If they have the confidence to do it, they can jump pretty high.

    One downfall is that Ruth can now go anywhere she wants and does so frequently. Last summer she got busted by the cops (again) for visiting the neighbor (new lady from California). She was afraid of Ruth and called the cops to get the ‘vicious mule’ out of her yard. The vicious mule would walk over to her and try to get her arse scratched which scared this lady.
    When I got up there the deputy was pretty nice about it. I jumped on her back and rode her home with no bridle, halter or saddle which made him laugh pretty hard. The subdivision is pretty well used to her now and don’t mind her visiting. Still, it’s the last mule I trained to jump.

    I think you’ll have fun doing it and learn some things about mules at the same time. They can be a very fun animal to work with.


    Somehow that doesn’t surprise at all with Ruthie. She is one of a kind. I could see some advantages to such training and a couple of disadvantages. You teach that to those Idaho mules and I might get shot. LF



    I think you could train mules to do anything.
    Have you ever checked out this web site:

    It’s all about training mules and donkeys. If the stuff on the website isn’t that helpful you could email Meredith Hodgens-she has over 30 years experience working with mules.



    That is a problem with the mules. You teach them and they don’t forget. I’ve heard some say that they want to jump everything. I prefer to save my jumping for when it’s really needed! I’ve had some of mine jump over our arena fence – 5′ tall just to get a tumbleweed!

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