trimming the frog

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    some take the frog back pretty hard when they trim, and some believe in the pump and just give it a touch. what are your thoughts? all notions considered. thanks


    I personally believe in the pump effect ..However having said that it makes me wonder about the street horses that are on tarmac all day and stand in a stable at night.. not much of a chance for the frog to do its intended job there ?? I tend to run with “what grandpa would do” and he always said not to be too heavy with the knife on the frog…


    It depends on what condition the foot is in. I’ve had to do it a few times, but only on feet that were badly asymetrical due to overgrowth and neglect on soft pasture. Other folks’ horses feet, at that. My own, I just take a swipe down either side to clean up the flaps to keep the clefts open. Occasionally I’ll pare a bit from the bottom of the frog if there’s a bit partway shed off that is still clinging by an edge. Mostly I leave it alone.


    I agree with grey, I just clean the sides. The frog will shed and sometimes it leaves a chunk that gets in the way so the foot won’t clean.
    Where I live, work and ride, most of that stuff wears off in the rocks. When I shod outside horses (off the ranch that is) that lived in small pastures or corrals, I had to learn to trim that frog a little more on the sides.


    Both ways are right but it is usually best to take the frog back if you are shoeing but bare foot best to leave alone helps protect the bottom. The frog slufs off twice a year. Thats my opinion and a 35 yr DVM (not me a mentors).

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