Upcoming Workshop at the Pfeiffer Center for Biodynamics and the Environment

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Draft Animal Power Horses Upcoming Workshop at the Pfeiffer Center for Biodynamics and the Environment

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    The Pfeiffer Center for Biodynamics and the Environment is offering a workshop on The Role of the Horse in the Farm Organism on June 7, 2008. Presenter Mac Mead has some 30 years experience as a biodynamic practitioner, farmer and gardener. As a co-worker at the Fellowship community from 1975 until 2005, Mac learned biodynamic methods directly from former co-workers of Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Mac was the resident farmer at the Fellowship’s Duryea farm from 1997 until 2005. He became the director of the Pfeiffer Center in 2007.

    For more information, visit our website, http://www.pfeiffercenter.org/workshops. Or email me at lory@pfeiffercenter.org.

    Lory Widmer
    The Pfeiffer Center


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