user-friendly home page

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  • #42246

    Hey – great job on the site and the Network – kudos to Lisa & Carl & all who have helped! Now that I’ve been using this website a bit, I have a couple small suggestions.

    I’d like a list of all the categories and topics in one little box at the top of each page where I can scan it easily without moving the page up and down and seeing all the descriptions and click on each one from there for more info, in addition to the way it looks now.

    Also a button that just says “Home” would be easier to find than to follow the thread back to “Draft Animal Power – Sustainable Farming, Forestry and Living”, especially for new users.

    I’m not sure what the User CP is for either, but that’s the first button on the left, which seems like a prime position for a link people would use a lot.

    I don’t mean to be picky, and I’m no website expert, so you can take it or leave it.

    There are some great posts on this site and I’m really enjoying reading them as I get time – and learning a lot.



    Carl Russell

    Thanks Dawn these are great suggestions. Unfortunately we are bound by some of the limitations of the v-Bulletin template we are using. For one reason and another we are operating a few editions behind the curve. As we develop the network we will be fixing that too. I’ll keep your suggestions in mind.




    Thanks for the response.

    I’m going to set up a new website and I’d like to know how you chose this format. I had one with ning that was free until they started charging. Funny how that works sometimes…



    Carl Russell

    Dawn, v-Bulletin was recommended to me. I had to purchase the template/license, and we have annual hosting and domain name fees, so it does have a cost. At this point we have a major sponsor, GMDHA, with a header ad, and we get private donations.

    One way or the other the costs need to be covered…. I just didn’t like the nature of the ads on the “free” forums, so I decided this way we would have more control.

    As I said we are several versions out-of-date, so in this new year we will work to upgrade, and perhaps we will have increased functionality as well.


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