Welcome to Draft Animal Powered Forestry, International!

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Draft Animal Powered Forestry International International Network of Contacts Welcome to Draft Animal Powered Forestry, International!

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  • #41299
    Scott G

    You are now on the Draft Animal Powered Forestry, International forum (DAPFI). This forum is a component of DraftAnimalPower.com that has been graciously supplied and administered by Carl Russell.

    If you have any questions on how to post or use this forum, ask Carl or just about any of us for that matter.

    Please check out our mission statement and goals at http://draftanimalpower.com/showthread.php?t=2505 to get a better feel on what the formative group had in mind. The phrase “formative group” is just that. This effort is ongoing for the benefit and enhancement of draft animal powered forestry practitioners as well as our culture. All input is welcomed, expected, and encouraged. That said, lets keep it civil and focused.

    This effort will become what we put into it. There are several side topics that are currently being explored, please weigh in with your thoughts. We are solution driven

    Thanks again for stopping by and we look forward to hearing more from you

    Scott G

    If you need to get back to the contact list just click on http://sites.google.com/site/draftanimalpoweredforestry/

    You might want to file it under your favorites for future ease of access.

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