What To Do?

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  • #79576

    Its called ‘hardware dieses” but it just a case of bad luck.


    I asked the abattoir yesterday and they said they once had one with some barbed wire in, but it’s not a common occurrence. Rope and baler twine, much more common! Now I could see him having some of that inside, but he’s been this way (poor) most of his life now. When I can afford it again I’ll get the vet out to see if he can tell whether there is some in there…can they do that? I’d rather not put him through surgery ‘just to see’.


    your vet will be able to tell you if there’s metal in there (won’t work with aluminum), but there will be a problem with plastic, wood, etc.; yes, I agree, too much of an investment with unclear outcome, when talking surgery


    I ended up swapping a herefordX calf for two dexters with my husband, to kill two birds with one stone – a well matched yoked pair (with any luck) and historically correct for re-enactment. But then we got the possibility of a job that required a yoked pair NOW, so I had another look at Raisin.

    He’s much better, still a bit skinny with a big gut, but looking healthier, a little fatter, seeming perkier, and a nice sleek coat.

    Hopefully he’ll come right with time?

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