EU government

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  • #41787

    Well the good old EU parliament is at it again !!! this time they want to re label all groceries to be sold by weight {gramms instead of lbs} and if taken to its conclusion, we will be buying 500gramms of eggs !!! as they propose to sell by weight and not thing you know we will have to buy 500mls of beer and not a “pint”..theyv allready started selling petrol by the litre and not gallons !!..just a bunch of folk sitting in an office making up a load of crap that we dont need or want so they can justify their extortionate wages and overloading an allready top heavy food regulation body !!! need to go and bring in hay and calm down… i feel a headache commin on…


    they are trying to devalue real food. instead of an egg and a bottle of soda, now its 500 gr. of egg and 500 ml soda, somehow putting the two items on the same line. and making them equal food items. we know better but how about our grandkids?????? a poor deal for them, i think.



    Mitch I know a couple of Polish friends who are working over here just now and they commented on the difference in the food on the shelf department.. in Poland it is perhaps 10% or 15% microwavable and the rest is fresh.. over here it is almost the opposite…embarrasing to say the least.. we even have milk being packaged with “additions” to make it “even better than milk” and the folks are buying it !!!!! but if I was to mention raw milk … oh no!! cant do that.. needs to put thru a factory 1st :eek:….


    right john, everyone likes the milk that comes from the store! what does that mean? anyway, i totally think the day IS coming. people can’t be that crazy.



    I find the Polish observation interesting. We have a nice family from Russia vending at one of our farmers’ market and at the end of the market she sometimes buys our extras. Last week she bought 11 beautiful bunches of rainbow chard. She could not believe that it did not sell and made the comment that people are to lazy to cook with raw ingredients these days. I would have to agree with her. This time of year I am so strung out between my job and the farm that even I have a hard time slowing down to cook a meal and find myself looking for those convenience meals too. I try to have some canned or frozen soup on hand that I made, but every now and then I find my self drawn to the dark side.

    cousin jack

    The EU
    The Germans make the rules, the British obey the rules, the French ignore the rules, the Spanish, Italians and everyone else say “what rules”!


    Right on !!! Well said:…. the French farmers are great at “civil disobedience” and dont stand for any governmental crap…


    The Germans make the rules,

    as bad as it is, I think you are right
    more often than not, someone tells me about a new law by the EU and when I start digging I find even the EU didn’t come up with certain stupid things, it was our own bureaucrats 😡


    Hey Charlie dont feel so bad… We in Scotland only recently got our own government after 300yrs… now you would think the 1st days debates would be something of national importance like unemployment, health, economy environment..or heaven forbid.. even agriculture !!! but oooohhh no !!! they spent the whole 1st day of government debating whether to ban fox hunting and if homosexuals should be allowed to marry !!!!!:mad:.. talk about wasting tax money…

    cousin jack

    @CharlyBonifaz 19528 wrote:

    as bad as it is, I think you are right
    more often than not, someone tells me about a new law by the EU and when I start digging I find even the EU didn’t come up with certain stupid things, it was our own bureaucrats 😡

    Charly , 😀 , I am sure our bureaucrats are just as daft as yours.


    [PHP]… We in Scotland only recently got our own government after 300yrs[/PHP]

    funny john, we’ve had our govt. for about 300 years and it seems like we are losing it.


    Hey Mitch your ancestors certainly put up a heck of a fight..those redcoats were bullying on both sides of the pond…its interesting to note that in the war between the states a very high % of the confederate army was made up of Scots… our boys fought damn hard over here too but were sold down the river by the landlords and clan chiefs..same things been going on ever since it seems…BTW there was a John Morton that signed the Declaration of Independance ….


    The EU
    The Germans make the rules, the British obey the rules, the French ignore the rules, the Spanish, Italians and everyone else say “what rules”!

    The British don’t just obey the rules, we ‘gold-plate’ them. A friend from Germany who visited commented on how many signs we have everywhere….warning signs, emergency signs, first aid signs etc etc…they said in Germany it’s much more low key, just the basics.
    And don’t get me onto risk assessments; I’ll be writing risk assessments incase of sneezing soon.
    What it all does I think is it diminishes responsiveness and creativity in a given situation, because there’s always some code which must be referred to. Yes there’s a place for some regulation/guidelines on best practise, but not when it is driven by a self perpetuating ‘industry’ of bureaucrats and consultants who create protocol because that’s what they are paid to do regardless of necessity………………..rant over!:)


    hi ed, i like your signs over there. “thank you for continuing to drive safely”. thats a nice sign. “humped zebra crossing”.(??????) don’t know what that meant, but…”please give way” sounds way better than yeild. and the picture of the construction guy digging in his sand pile. i thought it was some one who was having trouble putting up his umbrella. oh well.
    our signs imply guilt immediately. “violators will be prosecuted” should read prosecutors will be violated. anyway, its all about how you read it, i guess.

    best wishes, mitch


    Once upon a time, northern new england and maine was covered with white pine 8 – 10 feet in diameter 130’ tall. The king of England claimed and blazed them all for mast pine. They had to turn a spar 32” in diameter 67 feet from the stump. The king owned them trees and It was against the law to cut them.
    Now and then while working on old barns and houses here, we run into a wide piece of pine sheathing 26 – 30” across. Not in a place of importance like waiscoating or flooring, but up in an attic or open chamber as a floor board or sheathing. Someplace that a farmer might go with his neighbor to pull of a pint of cider and chat. Maybe look at that board and drink the kings health so to speak.
    It’s much easier to pit saw a smaller cant into boards. I wonder if that wide plank has another purpose. I’m saving my pea seeds and they are hanging in our shed rafters drying out for next spring. Not cause I can’t afford pea seed, but because I want to tell Monsanto to stick their seed where the sun don’t shine. Like that old farmer might have drank to the health of his king.
    Our well intentioned congressmen and women get their agricultural information from high paid lobiests working for corporations that want nothing less than to own our food.
    If the framers of our constitution could have anticipated such a thing I’m sure they would have included food along with guns in the 2nd amendment. Imagine it. Owning the seed and food.


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