Horse Progress Days 2012

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  • #74400

    Here are a few pics that I took.

    Andy I bought the 5′ Shipshe Cultimulcher that Maynard brought to MI, it was about $2000, but he took a little off for being a demo model. The baskets are nice for leveling and breaking up any clods that you may have. I will add a couple pictures to the link above that show some before and after shots. We used it when we got back on some weedy ground that will attempt to grow pumpkins in and it did a decent job given the fact that it is meant to kill much smaller weeds. I would like to put a more aggressive point on at least one row of s tines. I have used the tractor version of this implement for years and like it a lot for seed bed prep after plowing and for stale seed bed and bare fallowing. Robert Shipshe does make a 3′ model for a single horse, this may be a size that would work for your donks, there is a picture in the link above.



    There was also a small version of the Shipshe made by GateWay, instead of a front roller it had a pair of skids then S-tines and a back roller. There was no platform to ride on so it was lighter weight and cost less money, it may be right up your alley. Here is their info, they hosted the HPD this year.

    Gateway Manufacturing
    7836 E Colonville Rd,
    Clare,MI 48617
    Phone: (989) 386-4198

    Robert MoonShadow

    @dominiquer60 35845 wrote:


    There was also a small version of the Shipshe made by GateWay, instead of a front roller it had a pair of skids then S-tines and a back roller. There was no platform to ride on so it was lighter weight and cost less money, it may be right up your alley. Here is their info, they hosted the HPD this year.

    Gateway Manufacturing
    7836 E Colonville Rd,
    Clare,MI 48617
    Phone: (989) 386-4198

    Thanks, Erika! I’ll contact them – I couldn’t get the link you posted to open – it says it’s “unavailable”?
    This is another example of why I love this forum: someone clean across the country can check things out at HPD or somewhere, and related info can get to those of us who need it – ‘Thank you’ to Carl for starting this place up, and to those of you who keep it going!

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