oregon trail

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    hey dave, nice three hitch, by the way. haven’t spoke with nick in a while, but he is back in maine. they sold the mules and wagons out in oregon. spent a few days with the buyer at his place. nick made it to the pendleton roundup on foot. had a time. drove back slow, stopping at every wagon and wheel shop he could find on theway, which wasn’t as direct route. now he is giving talks around, like one the other day at the transportation museum up in owls head. i haven’t made any of his talks but get bits and peices here and there. rinker is writing the book. kinda quiet up here this time of year, but he will have someting going on come spring. thanks for asking. mitch


    Cool! Say hi and tell them I want a signed copy of the book when it’s done! (I’ll pay of course!)

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