Rudy R.I.P.

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  • #41784
    Gabe Ayers

    We lost our senior herd sire yesterday, he was 17, served us and inspired us for many years. We have lots of his offspring in the community and he was collected for A.I. service to about a half dozen mares this year. He will be missed sorely for a long time. Not sure how many registered Suffolk foals he has, but he has many and several from grade mares. He was the Grand Champion Draft Stallion at Upperville in 05 and a member of the lightweight pulling champions at the state fair the same year. His temperament was the best of any stallion I have ever seen, similar to Tommy Flower’s Rocky horse, in that he was vocal in public settings and knew where he was and what was expected at all times. He was the epitome of a gentle giant. I will try to attached a photo of the last job he did for us which was a week before he died. What a difference a week can make, enjoy your horses my friends, they are a pleasure one day at a time. No luck on the upload, my quota is full and I can’t find the reduced file at the moment.


    Carl Russell

    Jason, sorry for the loss.

    Post the pic to the photo gallery, then you can copy and paste it into your post here.

    Good luck my friend, Carl

    Joshua Kingsley

    Sorry to hear that you lost a great stallion. May you find another great stallion with your new import. All the best,

    Donn Hewes

    I had the good fortune and pleasure of visiting Jason and meeting his horses this past December. I think the first thing I told my wife when I got home after I told her what a great trip I had was, I am going to breed my mares to that horse.

    All you had to do was lead Rudy from his stall and feed him some hay to get a sense of his style, conformation, and disposition. Now I just hope my mare is pregnant. I think she is, but need to have the vet check.

    Sorry, Jason.


    Sorry for your loss. Not a really old horse, did he die becasue it was just his time or did he have some condition that caused his death?

    Once again, sorry to hear of his passing.


    Sorry Jason we have some good pictures of you and Rudy from our visit in 06. They are on a disc so it may take me a while but I will email them to you at some point. Great horse! I sent you an email last night hope you got it. Again Sorry , Rudy was one of the great one’s. Dennis

    Carl Russell

    Jason, I copied these from your FB profile.

    Great horse….







    So sorry to hear about Rudy, he was indeed one of the nicest animals that I have ever met, and certainly the nicest stud horse. He had the body, grace and temperament that made him a winner even without the ribbons and trophies. He made it clear that he was a stallion, yet respected the people, routine and single stand of wire in his life. I hope he didn’t suffer much in the end, I know that he had a great life at Ridge Wind with great people.


    Andy Carson

    Although I never met him, I always admired Rudy from afar and enjoyed looking at his photos and hearing about the work you did with him. I am sorry for your loss.

    Ed Thayer


    Sorry for your loss. Missed this post earlier.

    Hope you find a great one in the future like Rudy.

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