Whoa, focus – Let’s bring it all in…

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  • #53266
    Gabe Ayers

    I don’t think there is any need to hurry Scott, enjoy the late summer activities and give everyone else on the site time to do the same.

    We have no deadlines to meet and only lifelines to cast into the sea or forests of humanity.

    It is appropriate that those of us that have our entire lives immersed into this culture have a sense of urgency proportionate to our personal experiences. Patience is a virtue and being on tree life time scale would be to our benefit again.

    Just a suggestion and some thoughts. This is a wonderful effort.

    Jim Ostergard

    Originally Posted by Scott G
    So, all of that said lets get down to details. I will outline several point by point below. Please respond to them in the same fashion for ease of organization.

    1) What is the consensus and/or discussion on what I’ve mentioned so far?
    It sounds as though the consensus is that networking via an international communication effort is primary with the end goal being the formation of an international association based on input from contributors & subscribers.
    I agree with this.

    2) Throw out some names for the effort. Ideally ones that could carry over into the eventual association. Key words could/would be; draft, forestry, logging, powered, animal, international, etc..
    International Draft Animal Forestry Initiative (IDAFI)

    3) Mission statement. This should be 1-3 sentences at most.
    To facilitate the international connection between draft animal forestry practitioners, exchanging information, providing benefits of association (ie. insurance, cooperative marketing,etc.), and advocating toward mutual goals.

    4) Goals. List five goals, in order of priority, for this effort. Clear, concise, and limited to one complete sentence.
    1. to establish an international directory of associations, organizations, and individuals who are supporting the work of draft animal forestry practitioners.

    2. to develop a network of information sharing, such as websites, e-newsletter, and hard-copy newsletter to support the international community of draft animal forestry practitioners.

    3. to form an association to support the international community of draft animal forestry practitioners.

    4. to improve opportunities for draft animal forestry practitioners to unite regionally, and internationally, to share information, work, markets, and advocacy.

    5. to advance an ecological perspective of forest management, based on the use of draft animals, and other low impact/low input strategies.
    I think we have a good start here and would sign on for adoption of the above. We can flesh them out with a series of actions under each of the goals as we move along. I think we all feel this is a dynamic approach so seems nothing is cast in stone and cannot be changed upon reflection.
    On the newsletter issue; how about a new thread where we can share ideas of the kinds of things we would like to see and then maybe a few of us can work through email to put a first issue together? Some good ideas for content have been put forward and I can list them on the thread, ideas?

    Scott G

    It sounds as though there is a desire to hold off until more members have had a chance to weigh in, a point I can certainly appreciate. Let me know when everyone is ready to move forward. Sometimes to my fault when I get a hold of something I like to throw a lot of energy at it and run with it. I’m like a puppy with a sock, I just can’t let go……

    As an aside, I had one of the most counterproductive clusters I’ve had in a long time yeterday with my single. It started out with him being wound up for unknown reasons as we loaded up to head to job. Upon arrival, he spent some quality time tied to the trailer as I did some felling and slashing. Once I harnessed him up we were off and proceeded to go ballistic, pile driving himself into the largest nearby tree which required me extricating him from “nature’s squeeze chute”. My first thought was that I screwed up with the lines being wrapped/tangled and/or headstall/harness but everything checked out. Flies weren’t an issue; doused him down enough that they wouldn’t get within three feet of him Drove to the cut unit more sideways than forward. Went to choke the first log and he went sunny side up in a nearby slash pile. Again, checked everything out. He would not step up and refused to pull. Managed to keep my cool during the whole episode which amazed my daughter. I decided to call it at that time and end it on a plus note by driving him to the point of going straight and loaded him up. As always when these things happen the landowners were watching….

    Still no idea of what abnormal was going on. Even though he has just come 4yo, I have driven and skidded with him with great sucess. Put the best color a horse can have on him, sweat, as I ponied him behind the truck for a 500′ elevation gain the 3/4 mile up the hill to the corral at home.

    Been a while since I’ve had a good wreck like that packing, riding, or driving. Those are the type of days that test your commitment ( but I remain steadfast 🙂 ). Will give it another go in the next couple of days. Horses, like us, can really have a terrible, awful, very bad, no good day…..

    Take care,

    Gabe Ayers


    I think you should cut copy and paste your story about the single horse working poorly in the larger forum under horses and see if anyone has suggestions. I would like to talk about it but not in the secret forum.

    Don’t let go of the sock, lots of work to do on this potential new association.
    I think everyone is on board, just they are all busy or don’t really see any need to make any further comments. Or that’s my guess anyway. You are doing great, keep it up.


    I was wondering what was going on? I have been checking in lately but have seen few post! And I agree with jason you got to keep the faith I think things are going great so keep up the good work Scott.And everybody else letts get it going again

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