WTF were they thinking?

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  • #41328

    I don’t know if these women are the dumbest, or the bravest women I have ever watched.

    I guess it is one way to train a horse to drive.

    Carl Russell

    Who learned anything? Maybe to driver who ends up face down between the shafts?


    Joshua Kingsley

    Crap like that is why people think that training an animal to work is cruel. I guess there really is a lot of ways to get a job done but I think there had to be a better way.


    The only learning done on that was all negative. A quite nice horse wasted and more fuel to the do gooders who want horses in harness banned. . When I think of all the ground driving I do and then you see this…Unbelievable.

    Lane Linnenkohl

    That makes me sick.


    I have to say, when that woman got jerked off the seat I had hoped that horse gave her one in the kisser!! That kind of ignorant “training” has no place in what we do with our horses. I wonder if that animal will one day, in the RIGHT hands, be a calm, trusting horse between the shafts but for some reason I highly doubt it. That video was stupidity and ignorance at it’s best. Believe me, that is bad but I have seen ignorance like that in a draft club before when driving a team that had never been driven together before.

    Just makes me love my Percheron team all that much more and thank whomever taught them to work and be honest when in harness. I would rather have a horse or draft who likes what they do than that. And people wonder why I like my equines more and more…….


    DD, I agree, the last 15 seconds, were so deserved. I can’t even imagine how someone thought that would be a good idea.

    Tim Harrigan

    I promise you the horse learned more than anyone else that day.

    Carl Russell
    Tim Harrigan;14723 wrote:
    I promise you the horse learned more than anyone else that day.

    None of it good:eek:


    Scott G

    Ahh… the benefits of some serious ground driving for a while… then with some ground shafts…then some patience…


    Now, through the miracle of technology, we can know exactly what these folks were thinking….



    I bet it was I hope he dont climb up in here with us. Sometimes people dont think and then this happens.


    I’m pretty sure Grey had it right! What a stupid wreck.

    near horse

    Two thoughts come to mind after just seeing the still photo – first, I imagine there were some underwear that needed to go to the laundry after this one. And second, “sometimes s–t happens BUT some folks seem to be living on exlax!”


    i agree wirth everyone!

    oh, well, some people just have to learn that horses are real, working animals, not cartoon magical beings that automatically understand people! and i think those girls have some problems figuring this out!

    pity only that horse needs a real trainer to make it into something managable in shafts. i won’t even want to start counting what all went wrong, just makes me sick, to be honest! if i had such a horse, i’d train it with utmost care and consulting the experienced horsemen in every step in order to make it a tractable and useful animal!

    i hope i’m not right about its life: it’s going to stay unmanageble, so his owners will sell it and get a new horse. they will sell it not to someone who don’t have enough knowledge, but who is brutal enough to break that horse to work.

    so the poor horse will likely have to pay for the stupidity of its owners!:mad:

    stupidity because even if you don’t have the knowledge, ask guidance, or let someone train him! this way they ruined him…

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