Member Map…

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  • #40961

    Over on another forum I am a member of (Off Road Truck related) we have a “Member Map”. It’s basically a map where everyone can set their own pin to show where they’re from. They have the option to set it as close to or far away as they feel comfortable with. Kinda neat cause it gives you an idea of where everyone is from. And it gives you the ability (say if you were gonna be doing some traveling) to find people to meet up with in the area.

    If you need any information on setting something like that up I can put you in touch with my buddy Arnie who runs the other forum and I’m sure he could walk you throught he process and help out in any way he can.

    Anybody interested in something like that?

    Just a thought…

    Carl Russell

    Hey John, I have thought about it a few times. I’ve seen it on other forums. I think it’s a good idea. I’ll be glad to look into it.


    Mark Cowdrey

    It would be helpful as a start for folks who were inclined to fill in the “location” portion of their profile so that displays on their posts.


    Joshua Kingsley

    I think that if people who are willing to share thier knowledge they should be on a map so people can find possible mentors. just my .02 worth


    Carl- I put in an email to the guy that set ours up. If you want to bounce some ideas off him I’ll send him your email addy.

    Carl Russell

    Thanks, I’ll look into it. Carl

    near horse

    I know this might sound “risky” but it might be nice to have a listing of folks who would be willing to “put up” fellow teamsters who might be travelling through. It can be challenging to find places to overnight if you’re travelling with horses in tow and, I know my rates are the lowest around – free.

    Just a thought and it has nothing to do with me thinking about heading to Waverly this year 😀


    Hey Geoff you can count me in on that idea.. though I dont expect many of you guys will be traveling with horses over here:D but you’re welcome to borrow mine if the homesickness got too much


    sounds like a good idea to me to.

    Carl Russell

    Sorry, web designer and I are really busy updating our field days site….so haven’t made much headway on this…it’s still on the radar though. Bare with me, Carl

    Robert MoonShadow

    I think the map is a good idea…and so is Geoff’s idea…Jac – I’ve considered a trip through Ireland & Scotland (visiting old Pagan/Celtic sites), but don’t think they allow ex-cons in as tourists…:(


    I think it is a good IDEA. Kind of like temporary summer pasture for people.


    a good idea!

    but you’d need to cover the entire world, it could be good to have a close-up option… maybe it’s already in, but i don’t know much about member maps.

    near horse

    Hey John – any chance your friend is still willing to give us some help with a “member map”? Thought I’d try and rekindle some interest.


    Yea its a belter of an idea.. but as Bivol pointed out it would need to be a sort of global map/atlas…mabey along the lines of Google maps ??? John

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